Maroni's basin survey project

You'll find here the main results of fishers' knowledge, sampled as cognitive maps, analysis

Synthesis and per-village variations

Overview of fishers' statements. “Fish resource and environment” receives 8 influences of which 7 are threats. These influences can be assigned to 4 broad categories: Gold mining, Demographics, Preservation and Fishing practices.

French Guiana, located on the north Atlantic coast of South America, borders Brazil to the east and south, and Suriname to the west. Half of its 250,000 inhabitants lives in the urban area of Cayenne. Two ethnological groups are spread on the studied territory: Native South Americans, mostly Wayana (5 villages along the Maroni river basin where sampled from the 19 formally identified: Pidima and Tuli, Antecume-Pata, Twenké, Kayodé, Elahé) and Aluku, the descendants of escaped slaves of African origin, (2 clusters of villages were sampled: arround Papaïchton, and arround Loca).

Another synthesis emphazig common statements (gray nodes and edges) and villages specific ones (white nodes and colored edges: blue edges being related to Wyana villages, whereas brown ones are related to Aluku villages).

Thematic focus

Summary of the threats brought by gold mining, mostly through increased migration and bad health.

Two fishing techniques are identified as threats: undiscriminating but traditional water poisoning and the modern nets' usage. Notice that two contradictory edges leads from “Fishing with nets” to “Small fish captured” suggesting possible differences between mesh size or fishing practices.

Focus on "Commercial fishing" vs. "Subsistence fishing" in fisher's statements. “Money supply” includes social benefits, “Need for money” means Christmas and start of school year, “Freezers” means icebox, “Foreign fishers” means other village neighbors, “Remote trips” means a trip of more than one day.

Westernization process and possible future

Potential chain of events brought by the "Westernization" process.